Meanwhile, according to Wikipedia, The stock (also capital stock) of a corporation constitutes the equity stake of its owners. It represents the residual assets of the company that would be due to stockholders after discharge of all senior claims such as secured and unsecured debt. Stockholders' equity cannot be withdrawn from the company in a way that is intended to be detrimental to the company's creditors.
In addition, according to Wikipedia, The stock of a corporation is partitioned into shares, the total of which are stated at the time of business formation. Additional shares may subsequently be authorized by the existing shareholders and issued by the company. In some jurisdictions, each share of stock has a certain declared par value, which is a nominal accounting value used to represent the equity on the balance sheet of the corporation. In other jurisdictions, however, shares of stock may be issued without associated par value.
Shares represent a fraction of ownership in a business. A business may declare different types (or classes) of shares, each having distinctive ownership rules, privileges, or share values. Ownership of shares may be documented by issuance of a stock certificate. A stock certificate is a legal document that specifies the amount of shares owned by the shareholder, and other specifics of the shares, such as the par value, if any, or the class of the shares.
In the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, and Australia, stock can also refer to completely different financial instruments such as government bonds or, less commonly, to all kinds of marketable securities.
Besides that, according to Rusdin (2005), Share is a certificate that shows proof of ownership of a company, and shareholders have the right to claim for income fund assets of the company. The value of shares divided into three types as follows:
1. Nominal Value
Is the value listed in the relevant share certificates. particularly in Indonesia, the shares issued shall have a face value, and the same kind of stock in a company must have a nominal value type.
2. Basic Values
The base price of the shares is determined when the initial price of the shares issued. The base price will be changed in line with the implementation of additional measures relating to the issuer's shares, among others Right Issue, Stock Split, warrants, etc.
3. Market Value
Is the price of a stock on the ongoing market. If the stock had closed the stock market price is the closing price.
In terms of the ability to claim rights, then according to Wikipedia, the stock is divided into:1. Preferred Stock
Preferred shares have the following characteristics:
- Have different levels, can be issued with different characteristics
- Charges on assets and income, has a higher priority than the common stock dividend distribution
- Cumulative dividends, if unpaid from the previous period, it can be paid in the current period and ahead of ordinary shares
- Convertibility, convertible into ordinary shares, if the agreement between the shareholders and the issuer organization formed
Having characteristics:
- The voting rights of shareholders, can choose the board of directors
- Rights take precedence, when the organization issuer to issue new shares
- Limited liability, the amount given alone
1. Bearer shares, meaning that the stock not written the name of the owner, so you can easily transferable from one investor to another. By law, anyone who holds these shares, then he is recognized as the owner and has the right to be present at the General Meeting of Shareholders.
2. Shares on behalf of, the shares are written clearly who the owner's name, which means a transfer must go through certain procedures.
And when the review of the performance of trading, stock can be grouped into:
- Blue chip stocks, common stocks which have a high reputation as a leader in its industry, has revenues that are stable and consistent in paying dividends.
- Income stocks, shares of an issuer with the ability to pay dividends is higher than the average dividend paid in the previous year.
- Growth stocks, composed of well-known and lesser-known.
- Speculative stocks, stocks have consistently earn income from year to year, have the possibility of high earnings in the future, however uncertain.
- Cyclical stocks, shares that are not affected by macro-economic conditions as well as the general business situation.
- Emerging Growth Stocks, shares issued by listed companies is relatively small and stable despite the unfavorable economic conditions.
- Defensive Stocks, shares remain stable over a period or uncertainty, and recession.
There are two advantages to be obtained by investors to buy or hold shares, namely:1. Dividend, namely the earning given the company issuing the shares above the company's income (Darmadji and Fakhrudin, 2010). The type of dividend differentiated by:
a. Cash dividend, ie to shareholders given cash dividend in the amount of a certain rupiah for each share.
b. Stock dividends, ie to shareholders on the dividend given number of shares so that the number of shares owned by an investor will be heightened by the stock dividend..
2. Capital Gain, which is the difference between the purchase price and selling price.
Risk investors who own shares as follows:1. Not getting Dividend
The Company can not pay dividends if the company suffered losses.
2. Capital Loss
Besides the risk, according to Darmadji and Fakhrudin (2010), a shareholder is still faced with potential risks, namely:
1. The company is bankrupt or liquidated
2. Shares issued from Stock Exchange
3. Stocks paused
Process of Trading in the Stock Market looks like the picture below:(Source: http: //
Figure 1. Trading Process in the Exchange
While the Trade Implementation Process in Remote look like in the picture below
(source: http: //
Figure 2. The Process of Remote Trading
transactions in the Exchange are processed in a facility called as
JATS. Only the Exchange Members, who also become the members of the
Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation (KPEI), can input the
orders into the JATS. The Exchange Members are responsible for every
transaction they make in the Exchange.
Exchange Members have the responsibility to settle all the transactions they've made, as stated in the Exchange Transaction List (DTB), including the transactions that occur because of:
Exchange Members have the responsibility to settle all the transactions they've made, as stated in the Exchange Transaction List (DTB), including the transactions that occur because of:
the errors made by the supporting equipment or Remote Trading applications of the Exchange Member, except for the errors made by the JONEC software that was provided by the Bourse; and/or
the mistakes caused by the carelessness of the traders when inserting the purchase and sell orders into the JATS; and/or
the mistakes caused by the carelessness of the IT Officer-RT when operating their supporting equipments or applications; an/or
the invalid access into the Exchange Member’s supporting equipments or applications.
Market Segmentation
Regular Market;
Cash Market;
Negotiated Market.
Pre-Emptive Rights are traded only on the first session of the Cash and Negotiated Market.
Trading in Regular, Cash and Negotiation Markets are opened during the
trading hours on every business day by reffering to the JATS Timer.
Reguler Market
Session I
Session II
Monday - Thursday
09:00:00 - 12:00:00 WIB
13:30:00 - 15:49:59 WIB
09:00:00 - 11:30:00 WIB
14:00:00 - 15:49:59 WIB
Cash Market
Monday - Thursday
09:00:00 - 12:00:00 WIB
09:00:00 - 11:30:00 WIB
Negotiation Market
Session I
Session II
Monday - Thursday
09:00:00 - 12:00:00 WIB
13:30:00 - 16:15:00 WIB
09:00:00 - 11:30 WIB
14:00:00 - 16:15:00 WIB
In Regular Market using the Pre-Opening, Pre-Closing and Post-Trading session which opened every Exchange Day:
1. Pre-Opening Session:
08:45:00 - 08:55:00 WIB
The Exchange Members input the buying and selling orders.
08:55:01 - 08:59:59 WIB
JATS processes the pre-opening price forming and allocates every done transaction.
2. Pre-Closing and Post-Trading Session:
15:50:00 - 16:00:00 WIB
The Exchange Members input the buying and selling orders without the bid-ask information displayed.
16:00:01 - 16:04:59 WIB
JATS processes the pre-closing price forming and allocates every done transaction.
16:05:00 s.d. 16:15:00
JATS processes the allocates transaction with closing price.
Price Step
Price Fraction Scale
Price Fraction
Maximum Price Movement *
< Rp500,-
Rp500,- to < Rp5.000,-
>= Rp5.000,-
step value and its maximum price step are valid for one entire trading
day and will be adjusted on the next day if its closing price falls on a
different price range. The maximum price step should not exceed the
percentage of Auto Rejection limit.
Round Lot
1 lot = 100 shares
Auto Rejection
buying and selling price orders entered into the JATS have to be in a
certain price range. If a Broker inputs a price order above or below the
stock's price range, the JATS will automatically reject the price
mentioned in Decision of The Board of Directors Kep-00096/BEI/08-2015,
JATS will automatically do the Auto Rejection to the price orders input
into the JATS at the Regular and Cash Markets if:
The selling or buying order is smaller than Rp 50 (fifty rupiah);
The selling or buying orders input into the JATS are more than 35% (thirty five percent) above or 10% (ten percent) below the Reference Price for stock price that ranges from Rp 50 (fifty rupiah) to Rp 200 (two hundred rupiah);
The selling or buying order input into the JATS are more than 25% (twenty five percent) above or 10% (ten percent) below the Reference Price for stock price that ranges from above Rp 200 (two hundred rupiah) to Rp 5,000 (five thousand rupiah);
The selling or buying order input into the JATS are more than 20% (twenty percent) above or 10% (ten percent) below the Reference Price for stock price that is more than Rp 5,000 (five thousand rupiah).
trading as a result of initial public offering is determined twice
wider than Auto Rejection percentage as mentioned above.
Reference Prices used to limit the highest and lowest offering price toward stocks entered into JATS at the Regular and Cash Markets are determined by the:
Opening Price formed in the Pre-Opening Session; or
Closing Price of the previous closing date if a Pre-Opening Price is not formed (Previous Price).
In a case that a Listed Company doing corporate actions, in 3 (three) consecutive Exchange Days after the end of equity trading that has right (cum periode) in Regular Market, the Reference Price used is the Previous Price of each market (Regular or Cash).
Pre-Opening Session
trading at the Regular Market starts with a Pre-opening session. This
session allows Exchange Members to input their purchase and sell orders
according to the provisions of the stock unit, step value and Auto
Rejection limit.
Pre-opening price is formed from the accumulation of the total highest
bids and asks matched by the JATS during the Pre-opening session.
bids and asks that have not been matched during the pre-opening session
will be processed in the first session of the trading day, except if
the price of the bids and asks has excel the Auto Rejection limit.
Regular Market
The bids and asks will be processed by the JATS by considering:
1. Price priority
Higher bids have more priority than lower bids. On the contrary, lower asks have more priority than higher asks.
2. Time Priority
If the bids and asks are on the same price, JATS will give priority to the first submitted bids and asks.
Reduction on the number of purchase or sell order processed into the JATS will not cause time priority lose.
Negotiated Market
In Negotiated Market, prices of each security are bargained out between:
Exchange Members
Investor and one Exchange Member
Investor and Exchange Members
The results of the negotiation will be processed through the JATS.
Exchange Members can submit their bids and asks through the ad board,
and they can change or cancel them before they are matched with other
bids and asks in the JATS. Once they are matched, a transaction is made
and will be carried out.
Market Segmentation
Settlement Period
Regular market
The third Exchange day after the trade is executed (T+3)
Cash Market
The same day as the trade (T+0)
Negotiated Market
Based on the agreement between the Seller and the Buyer
Regular and Cash Markets
Transaction settlements between the sellers and buyers in the Regular and Cash Markets are guaranteed by the KPEI.
Transactions in Regular Market have to be settled on the third Exchange day after the trade (T+3).
Transactions in Cash Market have to be settled on the same day as the trade (T+0).
process in the Regular and Cash Market is carried out by the KPEI
through the Netting process and book-entry on the Exchange Members'
accounts in the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI).
an Exchange Member fails to fulfill its obligations to deliver the
securities as determined, it has to pay an Alternate Cash Settlement
(ACS) amounted to 125% (one hundred twenty five percent) of that
securities' highest price in:
The Regular and Cash Market, which deadline of settlement falls on the same date; and
The first session of the Regular Market at the settlement date.
an Exchange Member fails to fulfill its obligation to pay the service
fees to the KPEI, the Exchange Member needs to settle the matter
according to the KPEI Regulations.
Member who fails to fulfill its obligations to pay the settlement fees
will be suspended from the market activities until IDX receives a
confirmation from the KPEI stating that the Exchange Member has fulfill
all its obligations. The Exchange Member might also receive other
sanctions according to the Exchange Regulations.
Negotiated Market
settlement date in the Negotiation Market is decided based on the
agreement between the seller and buyer, and is settled Trade by Trade
(without Netting). If the date has not yet been decided, the transaction
settlement has to be settled on the third Exchange day after the trade
(T+3) at the latest, or on the same day as the transaction (T+0), if the
trade took place on the last day of pre-emptive rights trading.
transaction settlements in Negotiated market sre settled by direct
transfer accounts between the buyers and sellers and are not guaranteed
by the KPEI.
For every transaction, the Exchange Members have to pay fees to the IDX, KPEI and KSEI based on the value of each transaction:
Type of Transaction
Transaction Fees
Guarantee Fund
Regular Market and Cash Market
VAT and other tax obligations
Negotiated Market
0.03% or pursuant to the Exchange Policy -
*) Paid to the Exchange as compulsory contribution, in accordance to the prevailing provisions.
minimum transaction fee the Exchange Member has to pay is Rp 2,000,000
(two millions Rupiah). Suspended Exchange Members also have to pay for
this fee.
fees have to be paid to the Exchange account every month, or on the
twelfth day of the following month at the latest. If the twelfth day of
the following month falls on Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the fees
should be paid on the next Exchange day. Late payments will be subjected
with 1% of penalty for every one day delay.
Exchange Member who doesn’t fulfill its obligations at least 5 days
after the payment deadline will not only receive penalty, but also will
be suspended until it has settled its payment obligations and the
information regarding the procedure of securities trading can be found
in the IDX Regulations number II-A on Securities Trading.